Well, let's start!
Many of you have asked me what I think about them creating a portal or a blog so that they get a few pounds from it; whether it’s worth it, whether I can do it, how much I can earn there and most importantly, how can I earn?

Design can be art. Design can be simple. That’s why it’s so complicated.

So today I decided to address this issue in detail; I will share with you all my experience and knowledge about this topic. I am going to start by introducing myself: I am an entrepreneur and web designer and I have been working on different projects for more than 10 years. A few years ago, after analyzing the market and seeing that there are many bloggers who are making money from their blogs, I decided to create my own blog as well. Now Blogs and Portals are my priority!
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At first glance, it may seem easy but actually, this is not true at all! Building a profitable blog from scratch requires knowledge, effort and time! Building your own portal or blog is like starting any business; if you want to make money from it then you need to work hard for at least 6 months before seeing any results!
In this article, I’m going to explain everything from A to Z. However, before we start, let me say that this is not for everyone and no one will be able to make money from a blog if he does not know how to do it. In order for you to earn money with your website, you need to have good content on your blog or website. The better the content is on your site or blog, the more people will use it and they will pay you for those ads they see on your site. But this is only possible if your site is good and has high-quality content. You can also make money from Google AdSense but only when you have enough traffic on your website or blog which brings people there by clicking on AdSense ads displayed on your site or blog. Check the list below…
Some of the sources are as follows:

1. What is a blog or portal?
A blog or portal is an independent website that’s dedicated to writing about a specific topic.

2. How can I make money from a blog or portal?
There are many ways to make money from a blog or portal: through advertising, affiliate marketing, selling your own products and services, selling other people’s stuff, and sometimes even selling physical products like books and DVDs.

3. How much money can I make from my blog/portal?
It depends on what type of content you’re creating, who your target audience is, how well you promote it, and how many visitors you get each month (traffic).
In order to choose which type (niche) of the blog I want to write for, I will consider a few things: What is my background? What do I know about this subject? What do people ask me about it? Are there any topics related to my interests that I can write about? What are my strengths and weaknesses? What do I like doing and what am I good at? Which topic will attract more readers? Which one has the potential to make money? Do I have enough knowledge and interest in this area to write about it regularly? How much time am I willing to spend on writing? How much money am I willing to invest in this project? So that’s the first thing you need to do is figure out what type of blog you want to write for. It can be sports, cosmetics, beauty, health, news, culture, movies, music, etc., and it can be a mix of all of them! You should also consider what kind of audience you want to attract: men or women. Young or old? Once you have decided on the niche that interests you most and the audience that will read your blog posts, you are ready to start writing.